

The Diamond Heights Blvd. Median Project is inspiring neighbors and friends to replant and maintain the median islands along Diamond Heights Blvd. between Duncan St. and Berkeley Way in San Francisco.

Come join the good people of Diamond Heights. We’re making something beautiful for you to see every day. Our monthly workdays are the 3rd Saturday of each month, 9:00 AM until Noon. For more information, please call or email Mike Davis at 415-509-8804 or Michael.Wayne.Davis@iCloud.com.


Diamond Heights Blvd. is a green ribbon through our community, connecting public open spaces from Glen Canyon on the south to Walter Haas Park at Addison Street northward to Christopher Park & Playground on the north.

The look of the landscaped median sections is inspired by a design plan initiated by community volunteers and installed by the Diamond Heights Blvd. Median Project volunteers in cooperation with the City and County of San Francisco.


Community volunteers maintain the median. Residents, friends, and allied organizations volunteer time and energy to pick-up trash, weed median sections, service the irrigation system, and care for plants.

The vision for the median has come to life through volunteer efforts, community fundraising, and supporting grants.


Vision to Reality

Check out the transformation over time at the median section between Diamond and Addison Streets.

DHB Median_Phase 1_Before-After-Now_Summer 2016

And this is the median transformation between Addison Street and Berkeley Way.

11 thoughts on “Welcome

  1. paulsignorelli

    Lovely. Thanks for pulling people together to turn another “wasted” space into an integral element (i.e., green, open space) of what makes San Francisco even more beautiful and more of a community/community work-in-progress than it already was. These small yet important step-by-step improvements remind us and our colleagues elsewhere around the world that with the smallest of dreams, big accomplishments are possible.


  2. Wendy Shalar

    I drive by it every morning and LOVE IT! Beautiful job, take it down as far as DH goes. I see they are digging a little past Safeway. I wonder what I will see when that is completed? I can hardly wait!


    1. SFwordman Post author

      Thank you, Wendy! Yes, the work crew will continue to clear overgrown brush along the median island down to Diamond Street. Next, they will till the soil on all of the median islands from Diamond to Duncan Street, and lay down weed barrier and mulch in preparation for planting by our volunteers. Great to see your enthusiasm. If you’re interested in seeing the landscape design, please attend the upcoming meeting of the Diamond Heights Community Association on March 1, 7 p.m. at the SF Police Academy. I will be there to share the plan and answer questions. All the best, Paul


      1. SFwordman Post author

        That’s wonderful, Mark. We’d be delighted to have you! I’ve added your email address to our distribution list.

        As soon as our planting dates are confirmed, you’ll receive an email notice.

        Thanks for your support and enthusiasm. Paul


  3. Jeanne Koelling

    Hi Paul: You’re doing a great job. However, how do you plan to remove all the yellow oxalis that is growing all over the median?Just pulling the plants is not going to be sufficient. The bulbs have to be removed as well.It’s one of the most invasive plants in the Bay Area. Noxious pest.(My experience with yellow oxalis is that constant weeding is required unless you use an herbicide…..)


    1. SFwordman Post author

      Thanks for your kind words, Jeanne. Yes, I saw that oxalis taking hold and know all too well how difficult eradication will be. I’m in favor of judicious and responsible use of herbicide as a last resort. Before that, I will make a closer inspection. Specifically, I’m curious to know if the plants are growing above our weed barrier and beneath the top coat of mulch. Our contractor installed top quality fabric, so I can’t imagine the oxalis found a way through. But then again, oxalis likes to bring conscientious gardeners to tears. Following the Thanksgiving holiday, I will explore and assess. All the best, Paul



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